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Bringing the Power of Signal V6 to D-Limit
Displayed trading on IEX Exchange just keeps getting better.
Sub-penny for your thoughts? Jefferies’ Anna Kurzrok on the Future of Market Structure Reform
Anna Kurzrok, managing director of market structure at Jefferies, joins Ronan and JR to dive into the nuts and bolts of U.S. equities market structure. They chat about what the SEC's market structure proposals will mean for the big institutional players and everyday traders, the trajectory of AI in trading, the fragmentation of trading venues, and what's going on with off-exchange trading. Recorded August 29, 2023.
Going Green on Wall Street with Duncan Higgins of Sustainable Trading
Duncan Higgins, founder of Sustainable Trading, joins Ronan and JR to discuss what it means to “trade sustainably.” They also touch on the environmental impact of data centers, the creation and implementation of best practices for firms (should employees be powering computers with stationary bikes?), and the global effects of changes in ESG legislation. Recorded June 21, 2023.