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Survey: What the Buyside Really Thinks About the SEC’s Reg NMS Proposal
We surveyed +200 institutional investors on the SEC’s proposed updates to Reg NMS. Here's what they told us.
Market Structure Reform Unwrapped: What's Inside the Regulatory Box?
Ronan and JR are joined by Eric Stockland and Joe Wald of BMO Capital Markets on our latest episode to discuss the recent proposed market reforms by the SEC. Listen as they navigate the intricate web of regulations and the potential impact these reforms could have on the stock market, investors and the future of financial markets. Recorded April 5, 2023.
Masters of Market Structure: Official Scorecard
We read hundreds of comment letters on Reg NMS and made this handy scorecard recapping our findings.
The Comment Letters Are In. Here's What They Actually Say.
Contrary to the public narrative, the industry's comment letters demonstrate that there is broad support – especially from investors – for key aspects of the SEC's proposed reforms to U.S. equity markets.
Updating the Signal for Today’s Markets
Meet the latest iteration of IEX Exchange’s crumbling quote indicator, the proprietary mathematical model that powers protection against adverse selection.